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The White Supremacist Court

“If you travel on a road made by your own hands each day, you will arrive at the place where you would want to be.” Ancient African Proverb

The defeat of affirmative action by the White Supremacist Court of the Republican Party should only make us stronger. Let’s move toward supporting our black colleges and creating new learning institutions to help our young black geniuses. Depending more on ourselves than the decision of others will enable us to gain a stronger foothold within America’s financial system, which will change our political landscape. To achieve a stronger economic footing in America, start by growing our communities and supporting black businesses.

According to McKinsey Quarterly, in 2019, consumer expenditures by Black households totaled approximately $835 billion. Combined spending by all Black households has increased 5 percent annually over the past two decades. It has outpaced the growth rate of combined spending by White households (3 percent), driven mostly by faster population growth.

Black consumers are younger, more plugged into smartphones, and more brand-aware than other groups. The median age of Black Americans is 34, a decade younger than the median for White Americans. Black consumers are highly digital: they are more likely to own a smartphone and use their phones 12 percent more than White Americans. They are nearly three times more likely than White Americans to expect the brands they use to align with their values and support social causes.

To grow as a community, stop spending money on schools and businesses that won’t advance our cause. European rulers are not smarter than you, as you can see from their actions in this country. Their decision-making comes from the fear of losing power. Therefore, they govern out of fear, hate, and ignorance, backed by billionaires, to maintain their foothold in America. However, it will not work.