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What Does Opinion Polls Prove?

Do opinion polls find imperfections within a society? To tackle this issue, I will use a Gallop poll entitled “28 Percent of Americans Believe The Bible Is The Literal Word Of God” to uncover a poll’s real purpose.

What Does Opinion Polls Prove?According to the Gallup poll conducted in May 2014, your biblical beliefs are under investigation. They found that twenty-eight percent of Americans believe that the Bible is the literal word of God.

That’s a three percent decrease since 2007 when about one-third of the United States answered that they believed the Bible was the exact word of God. However, in the late 1970s, thirty-eight to forty percent of Americans told Gallup that they thought the Bible was God’s word [Read the full report].

What Are Gallop Polls?

Gallop’s opinion polls aim to survey the proportion of a population with a specific viewpoint. The survey doesn’t explain why people believe as they do or change their minds. Instead, opinion polls are measurement tools demonstrating how a population thinks and feels about a topic.

“Gallup, Inc. is an American research-based, global performance-management consulting company founded by George Gallup in 1935. The company became famous for its public opinion polls conducted in the United States and other countries. Gallup works with major businesses and organizations around the world. Gallup has nearly 40 offices in more than 20 countries. The world headquarters is in Washington, D.C… and the Operational headquarter is in Omaha, Nebraska. There are about 2,000 employees in this privately held company, working in four divisions: Gallup Poll, Gallup Consulting, Gallup University, and Gallup Press.”

Your Beliefs Are Under Investigation

The evidence shown in the May 2014 Gallup poll is not focusing on whether you believe the Bible is the literal word of God as it alludes to, but more to do with your biblical beliefs being on the decline. Your declining beliefs are the underlying purpose of this opinion poll to gather information about America’s belief system.

After Gallop collects the data, they send it to social scientists to analyze their findings. Then the social scientists collect and scrutinize the data results to help promote civic competence and order. Studies include religion, economics, politics, psychological, and psychosocial research.

The question one should ask is, why is this poll necessary? Why should your beliefs be the focus for running a survey like this one? Why should it be vital if I don’t believe the Bible is the literal word of God? What does it prove? If I don’t think God exists, does that mean God is dead? It settles nothing. However, the poll clearly shows through percentages that your religious beliefs are declining.

Your Deteriorating Convictions

Your deteriorating convictions can hurt a government that depends on you to believe in its systems. Moreover, declining biblical beliefs suggest that society may be moving into a different mindset outside the religious, sociological order.

This order involves three branches of power that depend on your services—Religion, the Godhead, and mental conditioning that prepares you for service within a governing body. Government is the body of laws and rules that dictate what you can and cannot do in this physical framework, and the Economy is a monetary reward system. All three are one entity structured to govern society as servants.

Independent Thinkers

A growing number of independent thinkers threaten this religious structure. Wise individuals come from the ranks of free thinkers who form opinions based on facts instead of accepting what others say or believe. They understand that having direct cognition of a thing will help them uncover the truth about the governing body.

This mental shift from belief to knowing gives you a different perspective on how to see yourself. Looking at life through realistic lenses is a cause for concern for a government hierarchy that thrives on controlling outcomes. So, how you view life is of the utmost importance to those with economic power over you. Having too many freethinkers within a society will eventually challenge the administration and shake the foundation of its rule.

The Ruling Class

Public opinion polls give the ruling class a barometer of your declining faith so they can correct what they consider a system malfunction. Look for increased media that promotes biblical propaganda and fear—projecting false realities through imagery to create anxiety to scare you back into false beliefs, keeping you on your knees and afraid. Continue thinking outside the box; the people who promote these polls know your declining beliefs are under investigation. The goal is for you not to.

“Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined to discover the original thought” – African Proverb