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“True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.” Ancient African Proverb

Blacktube Diary lays down the knowledge of where the first Chinese originated. Exploring Asian Ancient Migrations: The Connection Between Black Africans And Early Chinese Settlers. To add a bit of information to a fantastic short documentary, an attractive study by Jin Li, a Chinese Geneticist and leading proponent of modern human research, presented evidence that the gene pools in China originated from Africa. His team analyzed the Y chromosomes of males around China and compared this group with those of Southeast Asians and Africans.

The analysis suggested Southeast Asia was the first destination of migration from Africa to Asia, which began approximately 60,000 years ago; migrants moved into Southern China, then crossed the Yangtze River to Northern China. Jin Li could not find any evidence consistent with the hypothesis of an independent origin in China in the 1998 study, which used genetic markers called microsatellites to compare Chinese populations. So now, the burden of proof has been shifted to those who believe in independent origin.