“If you travel on a road made by your own hands each day, you will arrive at the place where you would want to be.” Ancient African Proverb
The defeat of affirmative action by the White Supremacist Court of the Republican Party should only make us stronger. Let’s move toward supporting our black colleges and creating new learning institutions to help our young black geniuses. Depending more on ourselves than the decision of others will enable us to gain a stronger foothold within America’s financial system, which will change our political landscape. To achieve a stronger economic footing in America, start by growing our communities and supporting black businesses. Continue Reading
“True teaching is not an accumulation of knowledge; it is an awaking of consciousness which goes through successive stages.” Ancient African Proverb
Blacktube Diary lays down the knowledge of where the first Chinese originated. Exploring Asian Ancient Migrations: The Connection Between Black Africans And Early Chinese Settlers. To add a bit of information to a fantastic short documentary, an attractive study by Jin Li, a Chinese Geneticist and leading proponent of modern human research, presented evidence that the gene pools in China originated from Africa. His team analyzed the Y chromosomes of males around China and compared this group with those of Southeast Asians and Africans.
“In every vital activity, it is the path that matters.” Ancient African Proverb
Judge Aileen Cannon has been a member of the Federalist Society since 2005, according to a judicial nominee questionnaire she submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee in April 2020. The group is made up of conservative and libertarian lawyers, law students, and scholars. Cannon said she joined the Federalist Society as a University of Michigan Law School student. She was asked during her confirmation process about why she joined the group.