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To understand what a Hu-Man Being is, you must research the root of the word. Too often, we interpret words that give us the current English terminology instead of its original connotation. When you examine the word HU in humans, you will find several different definitions. HU is mostly used as an acronym for other terms and is the subject of my investigation.

When I researched the root word Hu, I wanted to understand its meaning when used with Man. Too often, we interpret words that give us the current English terminology instead of their original connotation. For example, you will find several meanings for the acronym Hu. However, when you look at Hu’s original meaning, it is an ancient African name for God. According to ancient writings, Hu was the god of creative utterance and the first word spoken in ancient Egypt. Hu was a vital force in creating the cosmos, along with the gods Sia and Heh.

Who was Hu?

Hu was the personification of the first word spoken, the word of creation, and a crew member of the sun god Ra’s solar bark. Hu was depicted as a bearded man and a bearer of the eye of the god Horus. Hu was closely associated with the goddess Bat.

What did Hu represent?

Hu represented the power of the spoken word and represented the authority of utterance. HU represents the breath or word of God and also represents phonetic tones that personify the authority of divine utterance, the ability to make manifest through vibrations or frequencies. When Man verbalizes a thought or idea in words, those expressions are written symbols joined in expressing meaning. So, utterance now becomes communication by speaking words put into a form to interact with other men and thus worked upon.

What did people do with the name Hu?

In Eckankar, people sing Hu as a spiritual connection to God. They believe that singing the name Hu can alter their consciousness and raise energy. The Universe is a set of synchronized frequencies reproducing life in harmony, the concert of life. 432 Hz is the frequency that resonates with life. Humans are part of this musical symphony. The reproductive tones of the Universe simulated by the North Africans filled the air as the ancestors made the sound they understood as creative power, Hhhhoooooooo for Hu. This sound would be repeated throughout the night, symbolizing a night of endless creation. The final act of this observance came at sunrise, when the sun rose out of the East, and the Africans recognized Hu’s last breath. They sang the name of Hu to draw closer to the Deep Black (Universe).

The sun god Ra represented light, warmth, and growth. Sun deity was essential and seen as the ruler of all things created. The god, Hu male life force, represented a portion of the creative power of the Universe. The name Sia originates in ancient Egypt and was associated with the god of perception. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Sia was believed to be the personification of knowledge and wisdom. Heh is the ancient Egyptian concept of infinity or eternity personified as a deity. His name originally meant “flood,” referring to the watery chaos that the Egyptians believed existed before the creation of the world. The Egyptians envisioned this chaos as infinite, contrasting with the finite created world, so Heh personified this aspect of the primordial waters. However, the god Hu is the focus of my attention.

The Gods of North Africa represented elements that sustain life, such as atoms and protons. They used Human images to teach ignorant societies about life. The One Great God comprises many gods or components, such as Ra, the sun god, and a proton. Now, Hu was the embodiment of divine utterance, the voice of authority. Hu, not a Man but a function of the Universe, drew its first breath. It sounded similar to Hu’s name. The name mimicked the sound of expelling breath or the wind. With each breath expelled, creation took place. The Bible uses the term word of God. However, the more appropriate label should be the creative frequencies of God.


What I’m about to say is a delicate subject to talk about, and some folks may not agree with my conclusion. Still, through careful research and meditation, I have discovered what may be a coverup about our blackness and the hate and jealousy that pursued. Remember, I said all things do not come from Man’s books or intellect but from the Universe or the Mind of God. What I have found may shock you. I discovered that there are two species of man in the human design. One is born a Human, and the other is not. The Cain and Able story.

A Human is a Godman or a Son of God. The biblical Christ is a false representation of an African Nation. A godman carries the bloodline that supports Human life. American rulers crafted into law the one-drop rule for black blood because it governs all bloodlines. Blood is the “electric” fluid that carries in itself a vital principle of life. African blood is a sociological and legal principle for all racial classifications. Any person with even one ancestor of African heritage is considered black. This concept evolved over the 19th century and became codified into law in the 20th century, associated with the principle of ‘invisible blackness.

Man, a European culture, views themselves as superior beings, distinct and separate from other dark cultures. Superior, they are not. Different; they are. Let’s look at the bear family for a minute; there are two types of bears: a polar bear and a brown bear. These are two different species, and even though they are known to breed, there are physiological and other differences. The most obvious is their fur color; the same can be said for white and black people’s skin color.


When we speak of Man, we mean an individual who represents a species without reference to sex and whose walk is not with God. A man’s flesh is a soft substance or container that houses unseen energy or spirit, an earth suit if you will. The thing that is physical (matter) and seen with the naked eye. However, when you speak of the color of flesh, color is different. Color is often interpreted as a representation of different energies, emotions, and spiritual states. Black and White people operate from different energies. Each color carries a specific symbolic meaning associated with its vibrational frequency, allowing individuals to connect with more profound aspects of themselves and the universe. You cannot understand Man’s accumulative spiritual power without understanding the nature of the Divine that resides within them.

The ancient Africans, also known as the Sons of God, were not considered Man but had a word for what Man was. The name comes from the hieroglyphs, which did not include any vowels — only the consonant skeleton of the word, rmT, which means humankind or “Human-like.” Similar to HU-mans but not born a Hu-man because they lack melanin, a Human’s divine connection to God? “The dark matter of the Universe and the blackness of melanin are the material planes that connect our mind and body to the spiritual world.” Dr. T. Owens. Black birthright.


A researcher at Hammers lab, a team led by Fernando Mendez, analyzed more than 240,000 DNA base pairs on the African American’s Y chromosome. Comparing the differences between the “mystery genetic signature” and previously known signatures led the team to conclude that the most recent common ancestor for the entire group lived about 338,000 years ago (human life has existed more than 338,000 years. Africans have been here since the dawn of consciousness). Further back than fossil records apply to anatomically modern humans, Hammer said. Researchers followed up on their discovery by searching through a genetic database for African populations and turned up 11 men from western Cameroon between Nigeria and Gabon. They had the same genetic signature, indicating that all species came from Africans.

A recent scientific study of African Americans’ Y chromosomes has sparked a shift in man’s evolutionary timetable. “Scientists say African American men “odd genetic signature” suggests that the human Y chromosomes lineage goes back further in time than they thought—perhaps due to interbreeding with other populations such as Neanderthals.” Neanderthals are supposedly an extinct species of man that lived in ice-age Europe between 120,000 – 135,000 years ago. They were uncivilized, unintelligent, and uncouth. Interbreeding may suggest that the population was structured for diversity to survive.

Here’s some additional neutral info that reinforces and expands on my explanation about Man and their opportunity to become Human by Ian, a commenter on my blog; ‘Hu’ in Egyptian mythology represents the deification of the original word of creation giving way to the the Ennead (nine deities). ‘Hu’ in Sufism, is a word for God, for example used with the word ‘Allah’ as in ‘Allah Hu’, it could be interpreted as “God, Himself”. And ‘man’ from Sanskrit ‘manas’ could be interpreted as “mind”, “thought”, “to think” or “thinker”. So considering that the word ‘religion’ (from Latin ‘religare’, means “re-linking” or “re-uniting”), ‘alchemy’ (from ‘Al-‘, derived from ‘Allah’, meaning God, and the Egyptian word ‘khem’, which means “to fuse”, so ‘to fuse with God’), and ‘yoga’ (from Sanskrit, means “union”, “reunion”, “to unify”, etc.), which all point towards the common foundation of all spiritual beliefs and practices, that of reuniting back with God. 

References: Heka & Magick, Tour Egypt