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Beliefs, Prejudices, Blacks And The Secret Agenda of The NRA

Beliefs, Prejudices, Blacks And The Secret Agenda of The NRA: Beliefs are non-reality based thoughts, mental programs that breed ignorance and prejudices. Your beliefs influence every single one of your thoughts. You perceive and experience life by your beliefs. Your actions and words reflect your beliefs. When you believe a certain way about yourself, anything, or anyone, you act, speak, and think accordingly; ultimately, becoming what you believe.

Beliefs are learned behaviors that guide your actions rather than point you to the truth. Faiths that teach you to see and hear things differently than what they actually are.

Trump Supporter

Listen to how Trump’s language incites anger in one of his supporters. Trump’s purposeful use of racist language is designed to trigger white radicalism. Inspiring the men and women who veil their prejudices to openly express their hateful views; the thought is this macho performance will help make America great again, like the old days.

White extremists respond out of ignorance rather than wisdom. When they hear discriminatory rhetoric coming from a place of power, it gives them a false sense of entitlement. As in the cases of Police Brutality, Nikolas Cruz, Mark Anthony Conditt, Travis Reinking, Dylann Roof, and countless others. A vicious posse of radicals responding to false beliefs.

For this reason, biased crimes are escalating in America. You don’t suddenly wake up one morning wanting to kill people; that decision takes years of conditioning.

False Teachings

Mental Weapons of WarAs a black kid growing up in a racist educational system, white teachers would read from books like Little Black Sambo and Dick and Jane. They taught us that Dick and Jane were the ideal images to model life after, and Little Black Sambo was not. Stereotypes like this within our society began in texts as early as the 4th century. Today we see the fruits of their conditioning.

When teaching racial falsehoods you generate racial discrimination. What you think is factual are lies stored within your subconscious mind that supersedes truth. Consequently, your reasoning won’t match reality.

Beliefs & Predjudices

Those false beliefs are the reasons why you harbor prejudices. People like Trump grew up in a white supremacist society. Proud people who think they are far superior to others and have the right to suppress those who are different, believing they’re entitled to do so. Hypocrites who place more value on money and guns than people, seeking to protect themselves from a nation of souls unlike them.

The NRA And Blacks

The NRA is an intricate part of ethnic bigotry. Said to have started from the lack of marksmanship shown by U.S. troops. So Union veterans Col. William C. Church and Gen. George Wingate formed the National Rifle Association (NRA) in 1871 to improve accuracy. According to Church, the association’s primary goal was to “promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis.”

In February 2013, as reported by The New Republic, the National Rifle Association President David Keene stated that gun control’s origins were racist. “You know, when you go back in history, Keene told the Daily Caller, the initial wave of [gun laws] was instituted after the Civil War to deny blacks the ability to defend themselves.” Although it goes further back, his statement points to the ugly truth about America’s history.

Gun Control

The Republic goes on to say that “Gun control, like many other areas of law in American history, has been shaped by prejudice. In the colonies before the Revolution and the states right after, racially discriminatory gun laws were commonplace. “Fearing revolts,” lawmakers enacted statutes barring slaves from possessing firearms or other weapons.”

The 1960s saw another wave of gun control laws motivated by race. After Malcolm X promised to fight for civil rights “by any means necessary,” and the Black Panthers took to the streets of Oakland with loaded guns.

Conservatives like Ronald Reagan, then governor of California, began promoting gun control. Black revolutionaries with guns, coupled with the devastating race riots in Newark and Detroit in 1967, helped persuade Congress to pass the Gun Control Act of 1968.

That law also barred felons from purchasing firearms, expanded the licensing of gun dealers, and barred imports of “Saturday Night Specials”—cheap, often poorly made guns used for crime by urban youth. As one gun control supporter at the time frankly admitted, a close look at that law revealed that it wasn’t really about controlling guns; it was about controlling blacks. And the NRA took credit for the law and extolled its virtues.

What Is The NRA’S Agenda?

The NRA’s secret plan is actually transparent because they hold on to values taught by their bigoted forefathers. The organization has historically defended the right for white people to bear arms, not blacks.

They feel they’re protecting their right to arm themselves against what they fear will be a revolt from the black nation, which may be a legitimate concern, knowing that one day their cruelties will catch up to them. Passing stricter gun laws will make it hard for the rifle association and its followers to purchase or hold on to weaponry designed for war. The NRA is protecting themselves and their people by keeping the laws intact.


As nature would have it, the Universe is aligned with what the NRA fear is the second coming of the Black Nation. Weapons will not stop the rise of the black nation because it is cosmically preordained.

According to my ancient ancestors and articulated by Dr. Charles Finch III, MD, every 26,000 years when the earth wobbles on its axis is called precession. This cycle happens when the earth’s celestial north pole wobbles around the north pole ecliptic every 26,000 years to define the age.

The age that we are entering is the age of the Black Ethiopian King (not a physical king but a celestial occurrence) I call it the rise of the Ethiopian Queen, who will rule the next era for 2,000 years, but that’s a topic for another time. You will see this evidence in the weather, sun, moon, stars, and a shaking of the celestial bodies.

This transition is the ethereal power of the Black King or the cosmic rise of the Black Nation. It’s not anything we’re doing to make this happen but is what the Universe intended. This cosmic occurrence is designed to bring balance to an unbalanced world. To observe this change you are about to witness, study the heavenly elements of life, and their scientific certainties, not beliefs.

Knowing how the Universe operates will help you to understand your reality. Reality is the sum of the laws that govern nature and of the causes from which they flow. Understanding what you are will help you see and overcome the issues meant to bring about the Black Nation’s demise.