Replicated Intime Body Wrapper

About RepIntime

First, we welcome you to Replicated Intime, designed to challenge beliefs that keep us in mental bondage and out of touch with reality. This blog is not intended to convince you of its theories; you must do your research to discover if what we say is accurate. We only want to give you a different perspective on looking at life and feeling less awkward about who you are.

My older readers will notice that my theories about the Universe and God have been taken down. That’s because the information is being produced in book form to be sold and distributed from this website. I am now looking forward to my new adventure, applying my theories to today’s News events.

To give you some background, I worked in behavioral health care for over 20 years. I am against every form of racism, segregation, and discrimination. All human beings should be respected as such, regardless of their color. After discovering what God is, I can honestly say I am anti-religion because it is used to distort—-black truth. The definition of religion is a controversial and complicated subject in religious studies, with scholars failing to agree on any purpose. Oxford Dictionaries defines religion as the belief and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods: a unique set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, thoughts, and practices.

Don’t always believe what you see or hear. Know the truth and free your mind. I started blogging to present my research on religion and black civilization. Before I began this journey, I “was” a dedicated member of a religious institution, a faithful soldier of belief until I discovered my true heritage. Join us as I connect the missing pieces to our past and how we should move in the future, lifting the veil of secrecy on who we are, where we come from, and why we are here; you won’t be disappointed.